The Vannelli Good Ol' Boys Antique Tractor Collection
Open House: February 23rd 9-3pm
Ending: February 24th starting at 6:00 PM CST!
Pick Up: Feb. 28th 9am-3pm and March 1st, 9am-3pm
John Deere 620 All Fuel High Crop
John Deere 720 Diesel High Crop
Farmall HV
Farmall AV
Oliver Cletrac HG 65 High Crop Crawler
Oliver OC-6 Diesel High Crop Crawler
Allis Chalmers D15 High Crop
John Deere
John Deere 330 Standard
John Deere 420S
John Deere 435 Diesel
John Deere 520 Row Crop
John Deere 520 Standard
John Deere 60 Orchard
John Deere 620 Orchard
John Deere 630 Gas Row Crop
John Deere 720 Diesel Row Crop
John Deere AO Orchard
John Deere BO Lindeman Crawler
John Deere D with Wide Front
John Deere H
John Deere MT
John Deere Styled A
John Deere Styled BN
John Deere Unstyled A with Manure Loader
John Deere Unstyled D
(2)John Deere Unstyled Model A
Other Brands
Farmall 0-6 Orchard
Farmall 140
Farmall A
Farmall H
Farmall H on Full Steel
Oliver Cletrac HG Crawler